Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

My SMART goal is to use reusable bags 100% of the time I shop.  I would say I had about a 66% success rate this week.  This is because I went shopping three different times.  I went to grocery stores two different occasions just to pick up a few small things and I went to target once.  The grocery store was the first place I went after creating this SMART goal.  I only bought two things and I didn't have a reusable bag with me so I just used my purse so that was one plastic bag I easily avoided.  I went to Target later in the week and picked up a number of items.  Of course I forgot my reusable bag in my car, but I was reminded of my goal as soon as I went up to the registers because of the reusable bags they sell. I bought one for $1 since I didn't want to fail at my goal and I figured I needed a few more anyway for when I do my serious grocery shopping.  However, it was yesterday when I went to the grocery store that I messed up!  I went with a friend and we took her car so I didn't have my reusable bags in my back seat as a reminder.  I went up to the register and didn't even think about it.  It wasn't until the cashier was throwing my things into a plastic bag that I just thought "Crap!".  The funny thing was after the put my items into a plastic bag he asked if I wanted paper or plastic.  I mean a little late to ask, right? I would have said paper (because it can be easily reused and recycled), but he didn't even give me a chance.  I was kind of pissed.  I was mad at myself for forgetting, and mad at the cashier for not asking me.

I learned from this week that I just have to be more mindful about my goal.  Also, maybe if I got my roommates and friends into the idea of only using recycled bags they would all start keeping them in their car.  This would not only help me, but I would be helping the environment by sort of paying it forward I guess...haha!  That will be my plan for this week!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. This is so funny!.... because the other day I walked to Superone in the morning to get stuff for breakfast with my friends. The cashier just started putting my stuff in plastic bags, and then was like plastics okay right, and I said"actually I prefer paper". My friends were all saying "well it will be easier to carry with plastic bags."
    1. Plastic bags hurt my fingers when they are heavy
    2. I put my recycling in paper bags so I like them
    So I told them all to put their stuff in my paper bag and I would carry it!
    But yeah he just started putting it in plastic, and I put a kabosh on that!

  2. Nice! I guess I just need to get assertive with those grocery baggers! haha! I also use my paper bags to put recycling in!

  3. nice! well good job, 66% isn't bad! It sounds like you are being pretty mindful to me. And it annoys me too when they don't ask if you want paper or plastic..
