Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART goal is to use reusable bags 100% of the time I shop.  I only slipped one time.  I don't exactly have a percent success rate, but I'd just say fairly well.

The only time I failed was because I was out of town and did not have my own car.  I also did not think to take one of my reusable bags with me; however, I did remember to ask them for paper so I can feel a little better about that :)  I also forgot a bag at the grocery store when I was just picking up a few items, but thanks to my overly gigantic purse I was able to avoid a bag once again! Success!  Purses are also quite reusable, haha!

I learned this week to be more assertive when people are trying to bag your stuff.  I know it sounds like a funny lesson learned, but why shouldn't you say, "I don't need a bag, thanks".  I've also been just getting used to the idea of bringing my own bag with me when I shop, or using my purse. Being more mindful was part of my plan from last week and I feel as though I've really worked on that.

I really have nothing to change.  I feel like I'm doing a good job and I feel like the more I work on this SMART goal the more it will just become second nature.  I will keep working on the mindfulness thing!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.


  1. First, love that you used paper instead! Second, your point about not using any bag at all is so true! We can all speak up and tell the clerk that we do not need a bag. :)

  2. awesome! great work on being mindful, and yes, that is very true, its just as easy to say "i don't need a bag, thanks." Purses work wonders..especially big ones :)

  3. I <3 having a big purse, and when I run in to like Walgreens of target for a couple things I either just carry them out of put them in my purse to!
