Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

My SMART goal: To use reusable bags 100% of the time I shop.

Success Rate: If I had to put a percent on it I would say that I was 80% successful this week.

The Week: I had a few challenges this week among the successes.  The challenge was running out of room in my bags.  I only have 2 reusable bags currently and I went on a colossal grocery store journey this weekend.  This wasn't a problem until I was trying to fit everything I bought into two bags.  Needless to say it was mission impossible and I ended up needed to use 2 paper bags, darn :( At least it was a bag-your-own-food kind of store so I had the option to use as few bags as possible and we do often reuse paper bags at our house to contain our massive recycle pile so I know this bags will be put to use!  As far as successes go, I bought a new pair of boots and I made sure to tell the cashier that I could just carry the box so that's one less bag floating around out there!

Lessons Learned: This week I learned that it doesn't hurt to have a few extra reusable bags.  I'm still on the hunt for a fold up bag that can fit in my purse.  I also learned that sometimes it's okay to use paper bags if you have another purpose for them. 

Next Week Plans: Well, for next week I will continue on with this same goal.  I don't plan to modify it.  However, if anyone knows where to find a cute reusable fold up bag just send that information my way!

Just a little side story:  When my roommate Hailey and I lived in England for those 9 months we would often go get our groceries using our huge backpacks we used for traveling (pictured below).  It was easier to handle one backpack then several bags on the bus and much easier when you had to carry all those groceries for about a mile after you got off the bus!  Total bag savers!  


  1. They have the fold-up bags available at Super One out by the mall. Those are the kind I use. Backpacks are a great idea, too. When I lived in town, I would ride my bike and bring groceries home in my backpack.

  2. good job! and thats really cool that you guys did that in Europe! Lovin' the pic, although those back packs look really heavy!

  3. I thought my school back pack would be heavy, I can't imagine those!
