Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week1: My SMART Goal

Over the next 10 weeks I will use reusable bags 100% of the time I shop.  This will include picking up items at grocery stores, convenience stores, and retail shops.  I will keep a reusable bags in my car, and if need be, use my purse.

This is completely an eco-chic lifestyle change!  I did some research on using plastic bags and we really abuse this resource.  I mean, it takes billions of gallons of oil to create them when that oil could be used for fuel, or heat.  Not only that, but they aren't biodegradable.  They say it takes up to 1,000 years for one plastic bag to degrade in a land fill, but really it's just breaking down into a bunch of tiny toxic particles that get absorbed into the soil and water table.  Also, animals often ingest the stuff so these toxic particles enter the food chain.  Another super interesting fact is that in the U.S. we use approximately 380 billion plastic bags a year, 100 billion of those being from retail stores.  The production of only the bags from the retail stores cost over 4 billion dollars.  People often choose paper as an alternative to plastic.  This is also not the most eco-friendly choice.  We use 10 billion paper shopping bags each year.  That's adds up to a lot of forest chopped down for our food to sit in for a few minutes on the way home from Cub!  Check out this website for these and other facts about plastic bags: http://environment.about.com/od/recycling/a/reusablebags.htm

I wanted to change this behavior because it's totally realistic.  It's not a very big lifestyle change, but it's one with a big impact.  It's something is attainable.  For me this is a goal that I can accomplish and maybe even influence some of my friends while I do it!  When I lived in England, there were a few grocery and retail stores that would charge you 10 cents for each bag you used, and now it makes perfect sense why!  I can't imagine how much oil and money we could all save if every American started using only reusable bags.  I mean, when I go to Old Navy at the mall and only get some socks, or a t-shirt, why do I even need a bag?  It's not like I don't have an enormous purse slung over my shoulder!  I'm excited to make this change!


  1. Right away I thought the idea of using reusable bags going grocery shopping is a good idea, but not really that demanding. But when you say a 100% of the times you go shopping I thought wow I never even thought how many other place you use plastic bags! That is insane as to how much oil we use to make them. When I go shopping I usually just tell the clerk I can add the stuff I buy to a bag from another store. Good luck, and good idea!

  2. I love the idea too! Like you said, its so realistic! I always find myself confused when at the grocery store the clerk asks Paper or Plastic...I'm thinking neither! But thats really interesting what you said about European countries charging for bags, I think it should be that way everywhere! it definitely would make people stop and think before wasting another bag :) good topic choice! and thanks for the compliment on my page :)
