Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

Wow...this assignment was almost scary.  If we are using up the earth's resources at a pace1.3 times faster than they can be renewed what's going to happen to us?  It's almost like we're carrying out our own death sentence.  The fact of the matter is, I imagine this information isn't totally common knowledge.  I know I've heard the term "carbon footprint" and I got the general idea, but what I didn't realize is how large of a footprint I was leaving until I took a few quizzes.  One of the quizzes I took was called "Redefining Progress".  My results stated that, "If everyone on earth lived your lifestyle, we would need 4.59 earths".  That really sucked to hear.  My lifestyle is the reason our earth's resources are running out.  It's hard when you finally realize you are to blame for all the current ecological crises.  What's even more interesting, I really didn't think my lifestyle was that outrageous.  I mean, I walk to school 9 times out of 10, I carpool whenever I can, I recycle, I don't even eat meat everyday.  The results are just so staggering, it seems out of my control.  Like, I don't even know where to go from here to make this better.  The problem just seems so urgent and yet I know there is no immediate about an eye opener! 


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I thought I was doing okay in the eco-friendly department until I took this quiz. This whole class is a huge eye opener to me! The generations after us are going to have to work so much harder, to reverse the damage we're doing, than we can even imagine.

  2. I totally know what you both are saying! And I am the same way, i feel like I'm doing pretty good, and then I got bad results! It definitely makes me want to change the way I go about even the simplest things in everyday life, but some things are so difficult to change because everyone else around us factors in, we can't always help certain things because we live in a technology based, fast pace world, (i.e. sometimes you only have 15 min between your last class at school and work so you're forced to drive) I just hope we can slow down the impact we are making in our time and do everything we can!
